A Walk Through Polder Kolder

By Scoop


It’s good to be back in the office after my latest trip to California. I’m still picking up my voice-mail messages when that dang klaxon goes off, followed by “Scoop, to the principals office”. Begrudgingly, I work my way up front, stopping to get a hot cup of Java on the way. “OK Boss, what is it this time”, I ask. “Scoop ol buddy ol pal”, you’d think he would find another line to announce my next departure. It seems that I’ll have to dust off my passport and head across the Big Pond to Europe. Too much of a trip for the King Air, so Brad stays behind this time. I’m handed a ticket for a flight on SkyHigh Airlines, Flight AE 001, and it’s First Class. This sounds like it’s going to be a lot of fun, so I finish up in the office and head for the door.

The next morning, when I arrive at the airport and board the plane, there seems to be something amiss. There are only a few passengers as we make our way out to the runway. The takeoff is uneventful, and as we reach cruising altitude out over the Atlantic, the stewardess comes by and hands me a warm soda. I ask for ice, but I need to come up with a buck if I want it. I thought this was First Class, I shudder to think of what coach has to offer. I’m told there is entertainment in the lounge, at an extra charge of course. It’s going to be a long flight, so I say what the heck. To my surprise, the entertainment is the Amazing Earl. Seems he needed to take a trip, and the only way he could afford it was to work his way across. I stay for awhile and then get ready for some shut-eye, it’s going to be a long day in another Great Park.

The Amaging Earl!

The Amazing Earl