"A small guided tour………

We start at the entrance of Polder Kolder. The big square in front of it has several “monuments”. One, I’m sure, is familiar to you!

We climb upon the dike towards “De Vuurpijl”. Each year during summer a big fireworks festival takes place in Scheveningen, a famous beach resort. Of course now that AE was coming they planned that for that date."

De Vuurpijl

The tower Jan van Schaffelaar jumped from

"Next are the bulb fields ending next to the Berlage station. In this area we find the “Keukenhof” Express.  Then we enter the “Amsterdam” area. With canals of course, and pubs and restaurants. There is a fair going on! Production: Amazing Earl entertainment! You find canal houses, the Rijksmuseum (Rembrandt’s famous painting :” de Nachtwacht” is there), The “academie voor kleinkunst” (a school, where people like AE are learning their art.), The tower, Jan van Schaffelaar jumped down from to save the life of his people (He didn’t have a parachute though! This tower actually is located in Barneveld, not in Amsterdam but……..it looked good here!)."
"Next area, contains some of my personal memories. My old school: Coevorder lyceum, Zandmeer: a lake that just came into being because lots of sand were needed to build new roads and…..when you start digging in Holland you get……water!"

Coevorder lyceum