After buying a ticket, I took my seat on the monorail
and was treated to a pleasant sortie across the large lake in the corner of the park,
through a section of Disney's America and on into Disney Seaside. Disembarking, I was
faced with an array of brightly coloured buildings, each looking equally attractive in
the sharp, summer sunshine. I took a quick gander at the ESPN Zone and VR Space
Mountain before spending an enjoyable few minutes in the House of Blues, a charming little
building with potted plants and miniature balconies.
The architecture was very quaint, with the little
details that really help maintain the atmosphere the maker is aiming for. Pleasant
gardens with places to sit made the visitor feel instantly at home, but for me the lure
of the sea was too great, and it wasn't long before I had taken a place on the Seaside-Boardwalk
ferry. This slow, meandering trip took me around an abandoned lighthouse, under a railway
bridge and past a terrifying looking mountain, rising steeply out of the surf. This integration
of all the different attractions really helped keep the amusement-park feel, especially seeing
as the resort was such a spread out affair (the transportation system was immensely effective).
The ferry took me to the far side of the lake and up to a
rickety looking boardwalk, home to some crafty little flat rides - I particularly enjoyed
the Haunted Tours ghost train. However, these flat rides were just a build up to the main
attraction - the towering Screamin' Eagle coaster. True to its name, the train I was strapped
into really did seem to scream around the many figure of eights and helixes, but it was the
gut-wrenching drop and tight vertical loop that really sent the adrenalin rushing around my
body. Even the wooden supports were dressed to impress, painted in brilliant white.