Disneyland New York

...a Vacation Park Walk-through

The last weeks of school had been a time for saying final goodbyes, wishing peers well for whatever their endeavours, thanking teachers for their years of hard work and guidance, taking one final look at the hallowed corridors of that old building and, finally, turning our backs and walking down the drive that last time. Signed shirts, notes of thanks and hugs a-plenty. It was a joyful time, but tinged with a slight melancholy.



Well, for most maybe, but not for me! I was counting down the days until my trip to the now legendary Disneyland New York, the latest park from Lazyboy970 - and on the last day of my secondary education I rejoiced in the knowledge that the next day I would be jetting my way across the Atlantic to join other journalists for an exclusive visit to the resort. Bags were packed, curtains closed, and at the (far too early) hour of 5am I was off on my way to Heathrow Airport. The plane journey was uneventful, touching down 10 minutes late. A short taxi ride later and I got my first glimpse of the billboards and roadsigns heralding the entrance to the resort.

Bypassing the box-like car park buildings, I headed for the tram line that would transport me to my hotel - the homely looking Wilderness Lodge. This was one of two hotels, the other being the Disneyland Hotel. I deposited my bags in my room, said hello to the porter and was on my way. For the first day of my trip I had decided to take in Disney Seaside and Disney's America, the two subsidiary parts of the resort.

The massive car park