There is also a docklands area with a fantasy ship named 'Nautilus'. I had started this ship when Six Frags released his stunning 'LXG' park, and I based the remainder of the design on his version of the Nautilus in that park.  Anything I could design would pale in comparison to his work, and I am deeply in debt to his original design.

Further into the park are a number of buildings dedicated to research as well as a small cityscape area.  I tried to add some details to the interiors of the buildings here as well.  There is a large pyramid-shaped building called 'Nemo's Station' which serves as a water transportation hub.  The upper levels host a restaurant and the top is crowned with radio and telegraph towers.  Offshore is 'Mysterious Island' with its rides.  This leads to a large galleria of amusement rides, and finally more docks where the 'Ocean Queen', a futuristic Victorian paddle wheeler, sits ready to board.  Nearby rises the large Airship Hanger building with one of the park's airship's flying high overhead.

Over all this looms the huge Victorian-styled "Space Mountain".  This over-scaled building with its massive glass pyramid contains a collection of rides and attractions including Leonardofury's twin Space Mountain tracks.  The top of Space Mountain contains the park offices and more research areas.