Nope, this time is different. You know, I remember when I was a young girl and the world map hanging in our classroom showed a huge pink landmass above the multi-colored states of the USA. (I never could figure out why it was pink when so many people called it "The Great White North"...), But I figured the pink was a soothing color and that it was nicely color-coordinated with all that white snow. 

Edna Mae

I immediately knew that Canadians were a people with good fashion sense. Terribly boring maybe, but still, they knew their color wheels. So it is indeed a treat for 'moo-wha' to head NORTH to visit 'Disney Canada'.


After the bus dropped me off at the front gate I just knew we were in Canada. Up until that point I hadn't been sure since all the outlet malls crowding both sides of the road since we had passed through Customs had been flying the stars and stripes and every McDonald's and Starbucks looked the same as the one's back home.

 After flashing my press pass and then spending half an hour with park security before I had to sign an insurance waiver that I would not attempt to actually get on any ride, and would hold the park harmless for any collapsed bridges, broken benches, or them running out of stock on Ho-Ho's, I was allowed to enter the park.